Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Woven Chair

white woven lounge chair from urbanoutfitters

white woven lounge chair from urbanoutfitters

Now I don't know about you, but I have bought a few things from Urban Outfitters, although it's not somewhere I go regularly and the branch nearest to me is so huge and busy and loud that I instantly feel slightly bothered by the whole experience and end up leaving before I've seen anything.

But online, of course, you can wander around in happy silence particularly when it comes to the homewares part of the store, which isn't quite what you might expect if you are familiar with the clothing side. There are lots of pictures from different angles, which is brilliant if you can't actually see it in real life and, given that  in most cases the instore homewares collection is quite small, you can't. Not to mention the fact that there are only about a dozen stores in the UK anyway.

So, in one of my recent cyberspace wanderings, I happened upon this chair, which I rather love. And it's €459, which, compared with that other American import Anthropologie where I also saw a gorgeous chair for, ahem, £1,400, seems not a bad price for a chair. It certainly looks comfortable in a sitting up and chatting quite of way and I rather like the debonair curve of its back legs.

This would look good in a pair facing a sofa. Perhaps on a black and white rug – of which more tomorrow. What do you think?


made from shesham wood and cotton


from Mad About The House http://ift.tt/1YUiX4q

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