Friday, March 25, 2016

Which Realtor Is Right For You – My 5 Requirements If I Were You


So You're Hiring a Realtor?

But You're Not Sure Who To Hire?

When Realtors hire Realtors, Want To Know How They Choose?


There are times when a Realtor would hire another Realtor for their services.  Here are some of the reasons:

  • They don't want to sell their own house by themselves because they are not covered under errors & omissions insurance.  
  • They're looking to buy or sell a home in another province or country and they have no clue how things are done in that place

I hear a variety of answers when I ask what's important to people when it comes to their Realtor.  They often say the noble things like honest, full disclosure, knowledgeable, helps them get top dollar when selling or helps them get a good deal when buying, but what surprises me is that what they say doesn't always reflect what they do.  

People say they want honesty and ethical but they instruct their Realtor to do unethical things.  Or they say they care about knowledgeable, but they choose the Realtor because of the kickback the Realtor offers.  So, it's quite interesting to see that.

Here are my top 5 requirements if I were choosing a Realtor:

  1. Knowledgeable and willing to educate – they must know what they're doing and be willing to educate me on the process
  2. Willing to find the answer, constantly learning – they don't have to be a know it all, but they have to be willing to go and find the answer
  3. Ethical and Honesty through Full Disclosure – this is a given, and full disclosure is pretty clear to spot, if the Realtor keeps just saying "sign here, sign there" without explaining anything, then I know…
  4. Thinks of Building a Long Term Relationship with Me (care about my long term goals) – I want a Realtor who cares about my long term goals.  

The post Which Realtor Is Right For You – My 5 Requirements If I Were You appeared first on Gary Wong Realty Vancouver, BC.

from Gary Wong Realty Vancouver, BC

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