Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Cloud Picture

art by chessy welch via

Cloud Play 1 by JR Goodwin available from Rockett St George

Remember this gorgeous cloud picture? I first ran it on the blog a year ago as part of the 10 Beautiful Rooms series. There were masses of comments as everyone demanded to know where the image was from and wanted to buy it.

The image was, at the time credited to a Chessy Welch for whom no-one could find any reference at all. In the end I tracked it down to a JR Goodwin who said he would be happy to sell prints if anyone wanted to contact him. I’m not sure that anyone did and, well, the world moved on.

Then last week, Rockett St George announced that they too had investigated the cloud picture and, having tracked down JR Goodwin as well, had made arrangements to sell it through their site.

Jane Rockett first saw the picture on instagram and regrammed it asking for information about the source. Eventually she too found JR Goodwin and after some negotiation they arranged a partnership to sell Cloud Play 1 as it is properly called.

Cloud Print

“I fell in love with the Cloud Print from the very first time is saw it online,” Jane told me yesterday.  “The simplicity of the image together with the depth of blues and greens evoke an instant sense of calm and peace.  Now I have seen the artwork in the flesh, it is even more beautiful and thought provoking than I first imagined.  I am definitely trying to decide on a place for it at home.

Goodwin, who is also known as Moosebite, is a designer and photographer based in Denver, Colorado who is working on an ongoing cloud project exploring texture and light. As a child he watched his father paint and tried to copy.

“I never matched his painting skills but found my own talent in design. I went to design school and found what I’ve been searching for, that outlet for my creativity. I’ve never looked back…”

And now – you see everything comes to he who waits – you can now buy this print. It measures 36″ x 36″ which is just over 91cm and you can have either german etching paper for £930 or stretched canvas for £1,140.

And, if you want to recreate the look above you can even buy a similar chair from Rockett St George. It is the most beautiful image and is definitely going on my Christmas list.

grey button back chair from rockett st george

grey button back chair from rockett st george

What do you think? Isn’t it gorgeous?

from Mad About The House

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