Friday, November 20, 2015

Welcome to the new look Mad House

Hi, come on in. The decorators have been round and this is the new look for the Mad House. I hope you like it. It's ok if it takes you a little while to get used to it, but do have a wander around, take your time. Bring a coffee…

I know, it's a little different isn't it? A bit bolder. No more pink. A bit, dare I say, more elegant? I've finally done an About Me page; that's supposed to be very important. There's a proper contact form and you should find the whole house much easier to navigate now.

It was time for a change and, given that the blog now has the No 1 ranking in the UK and also just won an Amara Interior Blog award for best design inspiration, it seemed like the right time to do it. But don't worry, it's still me and the content won't change. Do let me know what you think in the comments below and, of course, if there are any particular subjects you would like covered then now's the chance to speak out. I look forward to hearing from you. I think….

So who's the decorator? Well, his name is Odysseas and you might know him better as Art & Hue the graphic artist. But when he's not creating works of art, he runs a web design company 286Blue and one of his most recent jobs was the award-winning website Copperline, which won Best Designed Blog at those Amara Interior Blog Awards recently. Of course, when the Mad House won and I got chatting to Odysseas at the party, it seemed obvious that he should apply his magic skills over here as it's a couple of years since we had the decorators in and things needed a little refresh.

We decided (I mean he really but I was agreeing enthusiastically) that the new site needed to be stronger and more contemporary. The use of black and white and the typewriter font reflect my newspaper background and, perhaps most importantly, the new logo puts the emphasis on Mad meaning it reads more like that fabulous Dinah Washington/Noel Coward song Mad About the Boy, which was the inspiration for its name rather than the the 1970s sitcom Man about the house. Like you, probably, it took me a little while to get used to it, but I love it now and I hope you will too.

And, to reassure you, here's a portrait of Enid Cat done by Art & Hue.




The post Welcome to the new look Mad House appeared first on Mad About The House.

from Mad About The House

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