Sunday, January 10, 2016

10 Beautiful Rooms

Morning, are you ready for a stroll through this week's edition of 10 Beautiful Rooms? Just to make sure you're all awake and with it, we're starting off with some colour. I know, a bit radical for a Monday morning, but when I saw this great space designed by Daniel Hopwood, present of BIID (British Institute of Interior Design) and present of The Great Interior Design Challenge (more of that later in the month…) I couldn't resist.

I have been working on the design of some meeting rooms for a large London creative agency and my business partner and I wanted to use some really strong graphics to bring some character and personality to the rooms, which are basically a series of white boxes with tables in. The size of the windows, large televisions and white boards, as well as the air conditioning, make it tricky to paint entire walls or paper them so we have decided that large-scale graphics are the way to go.

But it looks fantastic in a domestic setting as well as Daniel's design proves. Now I'm just wondering if it would work in my house. By contrast I thought I'd also show you another of his rooms; this time an all white kitchen which is the complete opposite of the exuberance at the top.

Staying with the calm monochrome look, well you know me by now, this sitting room may have a restricted colour palette but the use of pattern in the rug and on the cushions brings vibrancy to the space. It manages to be both restful and interesting. You could also throw in some brightly coloured cushions if it was too muted for your taste, or perhaps move away from a black and white photo. Personally I like the discipline but then – shameless link – I have just written a whole book about decorating with grey paint.

Screen Shot 2016-01-07 at 18.55.20

I received the first copy last week although it's not actually on sale until 11 February.  You can, however, for anyone who is interested, preorder Shades of Grey here. And now I'll shut up about the book (for the time being).

via minimalism & co

via minimalism & co

This kitchen is a little too disciplined for me. I love the idea but I think I would have liked a patterned tile splashback or even the floor. Or, if you feel that would be too much, laying patterned tiles in a rug pattern under the table can be a really good way to bring in colour and personality. Yes it does mean you can't move the table, but then how many of you have kitchens large enough for a choice of table position? I certainly don't and I have quite a big kitchen.

black and white wall tiles

black and white wall tiles

Next up is the kitchen belonging to the owner and chef at Noma, in Copenhagen, reckoned to be one of the best restaurantace in the world. Possibly even the best depending which list you are reading on any given day. Now he's got a choice of where he puts his table although I'd lay money on the fact that he doesn't move it around at all. If I owned this kitchen, I'd bring the table into the foreground of the picture and have a sofa at that end.

This week's heart stealer though, is this. It's a cafe in Prague and if my island didn't have cupboards on both sides I would love to tile it like this. What's more, these unusually shaped tiles look fantastic with the grey and white checked floor although it might feel like a brave move in your own house.

I had also thought I was slightly over the exposed brick painted wall but this has brought me right back again. What do you think? Are we over brick walls or still into?

For our final kitchen this week, we are back to Copenhagen. I have included this as I am about to replace my kitchen cupboard doors and paint them black – by which I mean very dark grey, but I will still have white walls and I was looking at this picture to see what I thought…If this were mine I would paint the window frames dark as well to echo the cupboard on the right hand side of the picture as well as the glass cupboard around the extractor fan. Jury's out on whether that's a good idea or not. I initially thought "hmm interesting" and now I think "ugh cleaning".

Right enough kitchens, worrabout this white sitting room? It is very grown up but I like it mainly for the architectural details. That ceiling, that panelling. I might have a little more fun with the cushions if it were mine. But it isn't *sigh*.

And that, my dear people, is that. What do you think of this week's selection. Do stick your opinions in the comments below, it's good to talk (name that actor). Have a great week for those of you who pop in every now and then and, the rest of you, I'll see you back here tomorrow. I haven't decided what we'll be talking about yet – it might be throws, it might be rug layout, it might be unusual lighting, all of which is upcoming….


The post 10 Beautiful Rooms appeared first on Mad About The House.

from Mad About The House

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