Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Birdy Side Table


This just made me smile. And frankly after a really busy week which shows no sign of ending, I like the idea that a piece of furniture will make me smile. There’s something about the particular angle of the feet which makes it look ready to serve. It looks ready to hand you whatever it is you want – your book, your drink, the keys to the door.

I have written before about how important I think it is that your home can make you happy and things like this birdy side table, which I know won’t be to everyone’s taste, are important. I won’t be able to have this because Himself just won’t like it. But in my secret fantasy house, it will be standing waiting at the of the sofa holding a glass of wine after a long day’s work.

And I will smile at it.

Mind you, I should add, it only works if you have just this. The rest of the space needs to be grown-up and cool. There can be no fluffy cushions, or stray pineapples or whimsical light fittings. It’s this or another thing. Not both. It’s rare I lay down a rule but consider this one laid. It must stand alone to work.


Actually what would work, if you needed two tables, would be to have one similar but with utterly plain legs. Something like this for example, which is from Rockett St George. Now that would look good.


What do you think? I’m guessing lots of you will hate it. But perhaps some of you will be smiling. And while we’re in Urban Outfitters, as this is where the birdy comes from, you should check it. I have featured the odd thing before and they do have some hidden gems. One for your back pocket as no-one will ever guess where it came from.

The post Birdy Side Table appeared first on Mad About The House.

from Mad About The House

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