Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Patterned Tiles

Grey Decor

There aren't very many tiles in my house. None in the kitchen and just what is needed in the shower and bathroom but I constantly feel there should be more. And that they should all be patterned. Basically tiles are best when they have designs.

Karaja 1

I don't know if this is because it is the juxtaposition between the softness of a pattern and the hardness of the material, or simply that tiles often go in rooms with lots of hard surfaces and edges and a drop of pattern counteracts that.


Anyhow, my new rule is patterned tiles roolz and just as soon as I can find an excuse to get some new tiles in my house I'm going to look at something like these from The Baked Tile Company. If these scare you you can always use plain ones in interesting shapes and create your own pattern as in the image below.

Hexagon Studio

What do you think? Pattern or plain?

from Mad About The House

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